Reflecting on Daring Greatly

     What I have gained from reading Daring Greatly by Brené Brown is a better understanding of the relationship between shame and courage. I know that regardless of what my next step is after I graduate I should have the courage and confidence to make any decision related to that step. The way I can gain the courage to make those decisions is by believing that I am enough, I don’t have to feel that I am inadequate in any way. Brené Brown says that we should practice gratitude and lean into joy, I know that I can get stuck in a rut thinking about all of the negatives surrounding me but I need to take a moment to be grateful for what IS going right and the privilege I have to be where I currently am. Lastly I should stop trying to control what is out of my control, this is where I can learn to be more vulnerable and move past the shame that may be keeping me from other things.


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