How I think I want to use my degree and why
This is an interesting question to ask for this blog post. I have been stressing over this very question for the past few years. At the beginning of my academic journey I thought that I would magically know by the end what I would be doing, but I am at the end of my college career now and I can guarantee you that I am just as confused about what I should do with my degree as I was at the beginning. I had ideas about doing research in a lab but after experiencing research I know that it isn't for me. I thought I might go into business using my degree, but I don't see myself as a business minded person either. I could use my degree to go into education but I also don't think that is a good fit either. I think that I need to take a break after the Spring semester to decided what I should do next. I may find that I am at a stopping point, or I may decide that I need to go further in school in order to get where I need to be. I wish I had a definitive answer for what I will do after my bachelors, I've found that I'm just not at that point yet. Hopefully soon though.
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