Finals and a time for reflection

 This semester was not the same as the ones that came before it. Yes, we did get a preview of what was to come during the Spring, but that was the panic, this semester was the reality... and so is next semester. 

I have many things to be grateful for, but sometimes I can't seem to see those things and it is easier to focus on the major stressors in life as the only things that are happening. I would say that with the loss of the majority of human contact it became easier to only focus on the stress. If we are our own worst critics, then the humans that we come into contact with, our friends, family, lovers, etc., must be the counterbalance to that oppressive inner voice that tries to pull us down. The anxiety this semester was real, I can't remember a time prior to this when I spent so much time worrying about everything, and there was so little within my power that I could change. To live is to struggle, but this year was a little too over-the-top.

I spent a lot of time this year horrified by the actions of leaders, the spread of disease and misinformation, and ashamed of our nation as a whole. We didn't show the world many redeeming American qualities this year, and the stain on this nation will persist.

Even with all of this, finals are still coming. I have been making strides to improve my performance for the last stretch of the semester as I had let myself become a bit lackadaisical. It's tough to get back to where you were, so it's best to just stay motivated... I'll keep that in mind for the next three semesters for sure! 

Good luck with your finals everyone!


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