Measuring PVC and Trapping Insects
To start off my research, I assisted Matt in measuring large black PVC tubing in six inch increments... I didn't really understand why but I was happy to help. Upon further discussion of the pipe measuring I discovered that these pipes were going to be made into insect/arthropod traps that would be used in the garden, I love the garden so this is perfect for me! I am also finding five different scholarly sources about Arizona insects and different types of insect traps. Dr. Ortiz filled me in on more of the specifics of the project to help me find good scholarly sources. We are developing a native pollinator garden on the Phoenix College campus grounds, one of the things that we want to know is how the insect/arthropod biodiversity will change once the landscape has changed. We are building these insect traps in order to study that change, and we will first test them out in the Phoenix College edible garden. This should prove to be a very interesting project!